We unfortunately don’t know how the pandemic will be effecting our events but we continue daily and we remain guarded and informed on updates.

Safety is always first with our events with regards to health and consent for all of our guests.
We have the experience now after hosting several events during the pandemic to manage our crowd properly and safely.
Since we live in a unicorn state called Florida with a rogue governor, our hands are tied when trying to limit access to our events for vax only.
We also feel it is very difficult and will be chaotic to attempt rapid testing on-site.
The governor is imposing a 5k fine to ask for vax cards and will unfortunately be unable to go this route.
We highly encourage people to wear masks but it will not be enforced at our events.

It is our recommendation for those who attend to understand you are at risk at any indoor venue, clubs, cinema, ect.

Those who have artificial immunity by way of vaccination and or natural immunity from the past covid infection understand.
Vaxed understand and can still have a break through infection but with mild symptoms.

Those who refused to get vaxed and have not been infected with no immunity have the greatest risk.
If that is you you are choosing to enter with a greater risk.